Maisons Laffitte Entrepreneurs group
When you are starting or running your own small business it can be lonely. The lack of support and collaboration can really take the fun out of something that was supposed to be a passion project and money-making!
Date & Time
Mar 10, 2022, 2:00 PM
Location is TBD
If this resonates, you are not alone. There are many small business owners and dreamers among us here in Maisons Laffitte that would love more support, too.
This group aims to create a space for us to come together to:
• learn from each other and share our expertise
• network/find clients and opportunities
• brainstorm together
• share recommendations and business resources
• collaborate/co-work/barter
• foster friendship and create a sense of community/belongingÂ
• provide mutual support and encouragement
• keep each other accountability
Created in February 2022 by Kate Thomas (ML local) and already 15 members strong, this group has local coaches, a translator, photographers, a language teacher, copywriters, an accountant, an e-commerce seller, someone opening a gelato shop, and more!
 If this group sounds like what you have been missing in your entrepreneurial endeavors, come join us!