Zoom Aperitivo
Come and join us for a virtual aperitivo to exchange and see each other!
Date & Time
Mar 22, 2020, 8:00 PM
To join this virtual aperitivo please download the webinar app Zoom, preferable on your computer to be able to see all participants. Once online make sure to choose the option to join via video. Have your glass ready and bring some story to share along.
In case you cannot make it please inform us, as we have spots limited to 9 screens at a time.
The link to the Zoom Apertivo Meeting is as follows:
Meeting ID: 670 034 843 Password: 029380
One tap mobile ,,670034843# US Toll
Dial by your location          US Toll Meeting ID: 670 034 843 Find your local number: https://us04web.zoom.us/u/fcnc7EkfN8Â