G-8C8QCEE0NX Info on French Healthcare G-8C8QCEE0NX
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Info on French Healthcare

MLI members enjoyed a very interesting meeting with Justyna Simmons and Arelys from http://www.yourfriendinparis.com . Justyna shared valuable information about the French Health System.

We want to share with you a (potentially) life-saving tip. The French government has an emergency app. Instead of calling a number you can use video and text to communicate. For the text you can use an on-line translation app. For someone who is not comfortable with the french language and in a situation of stress this can save valuable time. When installing the app you complete your personal details so that you don't have to communicate these anymore. You can download the emergency app here: https://www.info.urgence114.fr/actualites/application-urgence-114-disponible/ .

In any case, please do memorize your home address in French. Anyone calling an emergency number should be able to give detailed information, not only on the address, but on other details on how to access your home. If you live in an apartment or compound, you have to provide the entrance codes, on which floor you life, if there's an elevator, etc.

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