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Be Your True You - Hypnotic Relaxation, Empowerment Exploration

Find Your True Inner Voice - The second of Ruxandra's four-session Hypnosis series for MLI.

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Be Your True You - Hypnotic Relaxation, Empowerment Exploration
Be Your True You - Hypnotic Relaxation, Empowerment Exploration

Date & Time

Nov 30, 2020, 9:00 PM – 10:15 PM



"The language we speak to ourselves and to others makes its own karma and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Words are magical and create a very specific dynamic in the mind. In this session, we experience first-hand the power words have to heal, to inspire and to guide. Using mental imagery, relaxation and the power of imagination, we will go forth and discover, or maybe re-discover, our true inner voice. For this session, please be sure you are sitting or lying in a comfortable place, that you are warm enough, and that you will be undisturbed. If possible, wear headphones.

The topics for the four-session series are: Creativity, Language, The Body, and Boundaries. You are very welcome to register even if you have not attended the previous session. "

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