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Semi Final World Cup Rugby 21st October 9 pm

Come and join us watching the Semi Final World Cup Rugby match between England vs either France or Southafrica in the Clubhouse of the Tennis Club in Maisons Laffitte!

Semi Final World Cup Rugby 21st October 9 pm
Semi Final World Cup Rugby 21st October 9 pm

Time & Location

21 Oct 2023, 20:30 – 23:00

Time Break du club de TSML, 6 Av. Desaix, 78600 Maisons-Laffitte, France

About the Event

Beer / panache or Monaco

Food ( to be ordered in advance prior to 18/10 )

Planche apéro ( charcuterie, cheese or mixed )

Pizza aux courgettes et à la mozzarella

Barquettes de frites (available without a prior order)

The evening is subject to receipt of sufficient confirmations, so please confirm your presence asap to

Food orders also need to be confirmed asap

Evening subject to England winning their Quarter Final match against Fifji on 15 th October

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